Harry Potter POD Update

Harry Potter POD Update

I haven’t written much about my Project of Doom lately.  I had really wanted to share my weekly updates with you and actually complete a block a week, but I haven’t been able to.  None the less, I wanted to share this quick update with you so that you could see where I’m at.  This week is “Spring Break” for me (I put that in quotes because as a grad student, it means much less to me than it might otherwise), so I have a little bit of extra time.

My blocks look like this right now:



Now, that may not look like much… but trust me, there’s a lot of work there!  Below I’ve listed the status of each block.  I’ve categorized each block as Printed (printed, fabrics picked out, titles chosen), Pieced (all the individual parts of the block are sewn), Blocked (the pieces have been joined), or Titled (the titles have been painted on).

  • Block 1: Titled
  • Block 2: Blocked
  • Block 3: Blocked / Pieced (one is blocked, the other is not yet)
  • Block 4: Printed
  • Block 5: Blocked
  • Block 6: Blocked
  • Block 7: Pieced
  • Block 8: Blocked
  • Block 9: Printed
  • Block 10: Printed

As you can see,  I’m *almost* caught up.  My hope is that sometime this week I can finish up the rest of the blocks I’ve got in progress, take pictures, and begin to assemble the first and second shelf.  Maybe after that I’ll have enough of a groove down on how to handle each block that I can actually manage each block on a weekly method.

I’ve decided on the quilt-as-you-go method, but instead of doing it by block I’ll do it by shelf.  This method is new to me, so we’ll see how it goes!  I haven’t decided on the final size of my quilts.  One will probably be a full sized quilt intended to go on a bed.  The other I’m thinking will be a wall hanging.  Because of this, I might end up handling the outside of the quilts different and make one wider.  We’ll see how it goes!

Thanks for dropping by.

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3 Responses to Harry Potter POD Update

  1. Looks like a mess (said in the most loving way possible). 🙂 I am about ready to embark on my first quilt project in many years and that scares me, just a little. But no doubt, you’ll quickly have it looking awesome and I’ll be inspired to let the stitching begin.

    • It’s actually not as bad as it looks! The worst part is that I haven’t ironed out the block piecing yet, so the blocks are folding in along the seams. Good luck on your quilt!!

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